Community Youth Club

The aims of Community Youth Club are to cultivate members' civic virtues and to give a helping hand to the needy.

Promoting an effective understanding of the actual situation of our society is central to our role. A wide variety of activities, for example, collection of clothes for the needy, cleaning the parks and planting trees, which coincide with the club' s motto "Learn, Be concerned and serve, are organized every year.

In order to encourage CYC members to take active part in community serving activities, a merit award scheme, which is divided into four different categories, is provided.

Through different service projects and community activities, the club members learn how to cooperate with other people in serving the community and they will develop a keen interest in community affairs.

Teachers in-charge: Miss Leung, Mrs. Tong
Committee Members List: Chairman - Alie Chan (F.6A)
Vice-chairman - Iris yuen (F.6A)
- Zoe Wong (F.6A)
Secretary - Sarah Chow (F.6A)
Treasurer - Rita Kok (F.6S)
Activity Organiser - Gloria Chu (F.6S)
General Affairs - Ivy Choy (F.4D)
- Yolanda Law (F.4D)