Counselling & Guidance Committee

    The school's guidance, counselling and social work services hace developed steadily in the past twenty years.

    The objective of our guidance team is to help students have better self-understanding and develop their potentials.

    The nature of work is mainly divided into three areas.  Firstly, case work and individual counselling are mainly handled by the school social worker.   Secondly, preventive programmmes are organized and conducted by teacher mambers and the school social worker.   The programmes include the Big Sister Scheme which targets at F.1 students.  It can facilitate the new-comersl to adapt to new learning environment, and faster their development of  positive social values and improve their communication skills with others.  The Tutorial Scheme provides proper study skills for F.1 to F.3 students.  The volunteer tutors are F.4 & F.6 students.  The Social Services Group arranges willing students to undertake voluntary work in order to arouse the students' awareness of the community.  Group counselling is a new preventive programmme to develop students' potentials through games and role-plays.  Thirdly, to organize educational talks and whole school approach programmes is also the work of the Committee.  The educational talks are provided for students of different forms.  Some of the talks are on study skills and mental health.